This is a truly superb endorsement of the exceptional efforts which have been invested by staff in creating an innovative and dynamic teaching and learning environment in which all our students can flourish and excel. Our exceptional capabilities in teaching practice at the University have been recognised in the assessment, and I would invite you to read our submission which outlines the incredible work the University has undertaken over the last three years to propel our students to success through both innovative pedagogy and an acute attention to the whole student experience.
This result would not have been possible without the incomparable dedication of our staff, who provide a learning environment which can inspire, stimulate, and prepare students for their professional futures.
The Greenwich story is very much one of continuous improvement over the past several years. Feedback on our submission by the TEF assessment panel is also available on these pages, and I would like to take this opportunity to foreground a number of areas of excellence identified in the report:
- "course design and assessment practices that provide scope for high levels of stretch that ensures most students make progress with their studies"
- "the acquisition of knowledge, skills and understanding that are highly valued by employers, with the majority of students studying on PSRB-accredited courses"
- "personalised provision that secures good engagement and commitment to learning and study from most students"
- "a learning environment that is supported strategically by investment in high quality physical and digital resources to enhance learning"
- "the implementation of an institutional culture that consistently facilitates, recognises and rewards excellent teaching".
This result would not have been possible without the incomparable dedication of our staff, who provide a learning environment which can inspire, stimulate, and prepare students for their professional futures. Above all, our University is outstanding because of the exceptional students we are fortunate to recruit, for whom this result is a recognition of their vital contribution to informing and shaping a progressive learning environment of which they can be proud.