Today we’re recognising International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDoV), joining others around the world to celebrate the resilience and success of trans and gender non-conforming people.
Running since 2009, TDoV is an annual celebration of trans and gender non-conforming people that raises awareness of trans rights. The day also highlights how the trans community continues to face prejudice, discrimination and transphobia and anti-trans violence, including in universities.
Equality, diversity and inclusivity are important to us at the university, and we are committed to a programme of action to challenge and overcome barriers to representation and inclusion. We are a proud member of the Stonewall Diversity Champions Programme and recognise the importance of the LGBT+ Staff Community, Women’s Network, allies and the wider community in promoting trans equality and acting as agents of change at the university.
It’s curious, isn’t it? You admire the suffragettes, you condemn what triggered the Stonewall riots, you defend all that has been achieved on disability rights, and you insist that Black Lives Matter. And yet, despite all of this, still you question whether we can be ourselves, be called by our names, or be referred to as we are.
Trans member of the LGBT+ Staff Community, University of Greenwich
Connect with our communities
LGBT+ Staff Community
A community of staff and allies supporting the development of LGBT-related equality and diversity support and representation within the university.
If you identify with, or as an ally of, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and wider non-heteronormative identities and would like to join the community, please contact or join the conversation on Twitter @UoG_LGBT.
Women’s Staff Network
The network represents Academic and Professional Services staff and welcomes trans women and non-binary people.
You can contact or join the network through the webpage linked to above.
LGBT+ Student Network
A formal mechanism for enabling members of the LGBT+ student community to come together to share information, provide support and discuss concerns and problems.
Email Bradie McDaid, Greenwich Students’ Union (GSU) Liberation Organiser for LGBT+ students, or follow Instagram @liberationgsu or keep an eye out for more information about the network on the GSU website for information on how to get involved.
LGBTQ+ Student Society
Supporting students regardless of how they identify.
The society supports and develops the LGBTQ+ student community at the university and provides a safer, more welcoming, and ultimately happier space for LGBTQ+ people.
Join the Facebook group for more information.