was the first in her family to go to university, graduating in geography from
Cambridge University.
She received a CBE for transport services in recognition of her contribution to national transport strategy, major projects and London's transport and was responsible for transport preparations for the 2012 Olympics.
Bronwyn said: "Going to university changed my life. I want the same to be true for all our students.
"I am proud of what Greenwich has to offer and the local and global impact we have through our people and our applied research. Like many organisations we live in testing times but I believe we have a strong basis from which to respond to the challenges ahead.
"As Chair, I want to lead the Governing Body in working together with our new Vice Chancellor, Jane Harrington, with staff and students to become a really great, modern university which puts students and community at the heart of what we do. "
Bronwyn joined the Governing Body in September 2017 and has served on the Finance Committee, Nominations, Staffing and Remuneration Committee and the Long Term Strategy group.
She was Permanent Secretary at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in 2011, leading the organisation through transformational change and a series of crises, including the 2012-13 flooding.
Outside work, Bronwyn is a keen rower and cyclist and loves the outdoors.
Bronwyn added: "On behalf of the Governing Body, I want to record our thanks to Marianne for everything she has done for the University of Greenwich over the past 12 years. As Chair she has helped to ensure that we have strong foundations for the future. Her contribution to the life of the University has been immense and we wish her all the very best for the future".
Marianne Ismail joined the Governing Body (then known as the Court) in 2008 and served for three terms as a Governor before becoming Chair in 2017. An investment banker, she has served on the Finance Committee, the Remuneration Committee, the Nominations, Staffing and Remuneration Committee, the Honorary Degrees Panel and the Long Term Strategy Group, and was a long-standing member of the NRI's Advisory Forum.
Professor Jane Harrington said: "I'd like to thank Marianne for all that she has done for the University during her time on the Board and for her support since I joined Greenwich in December. I'm very much looking forward to continuing to work with Bronwyn as we refresh our university strategy, focus on providing the best experience for our students and continue to deliver research that has a real impact and changes lives."
Marianne said: "It has been a pleasure and a privilege to be part of the Governing Body for the last 12 years. I am very honoured to have had the opportunity. I would like to thank all the Governors, the new chair Bronwyn and the Vice Chancellor Jane for their support and I look forward to watching the university bloossom under its new leadership."
The Governors monitor the overall performance of the university with responsibility for its strategic plans and the deployment of resources.