That's the equivalent to 90 wheelie bins of coffee cups.
We appreciate that disposable cups are convenient, but they aren't a necessity.
At the university we lead on life-changing research, providing new insight and solutions to the most pressing issues of our time and we want our actions to reflect our ambition to achieve positive change in the world.
That's why, when our main catering provision at Greenwich campus moves to Dreadnought, we've decided to make the Queen Mary Café disposable cup free to help prevent unnecessary plastic waste.
We'll reduce the cost of your coffee in the café too as the cost of the disposable cup won't be applied
Buy it, Bring it, Swap it
We know many more of us would use reusable cups if it was easier. So to help ease the transition to reusable cups we're introducing 'Buy it, Bring it, Swap it' for students and staff who aren't fussed about the cup they get and don't want to keep washing their cup throughout the day.
It's simple:
- Buy a cup for as little as £2.95 and get your first coffee for free
- Bring it back with you when visiting to buy your next hot drink
- Swap it for a replacement cup by simply handing it to the Barista when ordering your drink and ask for a clean cup.
We'll continue to provide crockery for those drinking in, and will have a range of reusable cups that you can purchase at cost price if you want a cup to match your style.
If you've forgotten your cup or left it on your desk, then head to the Galley Café at Dreadnought or Stockwell Street café where takeaway drinks in disposable cups will be available.
To find out more read our FAQs.