
New library, labs and study resources at Avery Hill


Experts from across the university have been working over summer to provide the best and safest environment possible.

State-of-the-art new facilities, including a new library and skills lab, are now open at Avery Hill as students and staff return to campus.library

The next generation of nurses, paramedics and midwives will hone their skills in the new specialist labs in the David Fussey building.

It has been transformed into a specialist teaching space with cutting-edge facilities, including patient simulators which allow students to develop critical thinking, communication and clinical skills without working on real patients. 

LabThe new library provides IT resources, group study rooms, two silent study rooms, as well as a new open-plan office space for academic staff. In keeping with Covid safe guidelines entrance to the library will be by card access only.

Earlier in the year former NHS staff returning to the service to battle Covid had additional training and up-skilling at the University of Greenwich.

This work is continuing at Sparrows Farm, where a new residential skills simulation lab for paramedics and nursing is being added.

There will also be a new music room and multi-use classroom, and the ground floor area is being converted to provide a dedicated strength and â€‹conditioning area. There will also be space for rehabilitation, as well as an environmental chamber and space for Sports Science.​

Work is ongoing elsewhere on the campus to ensure students and staff can enjoy a safe experience. Rooms are set up for meetings, seminars and tutorials – all with social distancing and extra cleaning measures in place.

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