
Join the Green Run 2021 - help raise awareness of climate change


Did you know the length of the Earth's equator is 24,901 miles? Join in with our Green Run, and collectively run, walk or cycle the distance of the Earth's Equator to help raise awareness of climate change.

What is The Green Run?

The Green RunCreated by Aran James Avci, a Student Studying International Business and Language (Mandarin) and supported by the Sustainability Team; The Green Run aims to increase the awareness of climate change, the importance fresh air to wellbeing and how small actions can make a big difference.

The coronavirus pandemic has stopped many things; club training, visiting friends and family and visiting campus. Wellbeing and access to fresh air is hugely important. We must remember that natural space is one of the most accessible fitness locations on earth.

Climate change is a global emergency and we want to raise awareness by using the great outdoors to shine a light on climate action.

What can we achieve?

Knowing that the planet is our home, the goal of The Green Run is for our University to achieve a collective exercised distance of 24,901 miles, the length of the Earth’s equator.  Students, staff, and our local community, we encourage you all to participate.  Run, cycle or walk, it all counts towards our target.

This goal represents how individual actions, together, with our natural habitat can achieve unifying success.

Win a prize!  The top 3 on our leaderboard will receive a sustainable prize!

When is it?

Running in the month of April 2021, you can start any date in April but the sooner you start the more miles we will achieve together.

How do I participate?

All you need is a smart device and a free downloadable app to track your exercising journey.  Examples of mobile apps include:

1. Strava Running and Cycling (Android, iOS: Free)

2. Adidas Running (Android, iOS: Free)

3. Runkeeper (Android, iOS: Free)

4. Pacer (Android, iOS: Free)

5. Run with Map My Run (Android, iOS: Free)

6. Sports Tracker (Android, iOS: Free)

7. Better Points (Android, iOS: Free)

How to log your activity:

  • On your next activity outside, open the app and make sure that the location (in settings) has been activated.
  • Depending on the app, [start run/log activity/start] button. Here you can start, pause, and stop the activity. Once completed the activity should be saved.
  • Turn your phone off power saver mode for the duration of your journey to increase accuracy.

How do I submit my exercise journey?

Green RunTake a screenshot of the exercise on the app to highlight your journey time and distance.  The example opposite is using BetterPoints.

Submit this screenshot along with your name, UoG email address, academic year or staff title and any societies you represent (optional) to any of the following:

You only need to submit it to one of the above.

Privacy notice:  Your screenshot will be deleted immediately after your submission has been verified.  No details will be published.  Leaderboards may contain your name if you agree.

You will be contacted if you win a prize!

Fundraise and have fun!

Please take selfies on your journey, tag us UoG_sustainability, share your natural scenery and use the #greenrun2021.

If you would like to raise funds or donate, fantastic!

There are already a couple of pages open; one for Eco-Team Greenwich for the environment and wildlife and one for the Hedgehog Preservation Society, both support by the University.

Current staff; Current students
