
Sign up for our GREen Rewards platform


As part of our goal to become net zero by 2030, we are rewarding our staff and students for making sustainable choices at home and at the university.

GREen Rewards is an app and online platform where you can record your sustainable actions – like travelling sustainably, reporting your recycling and shopping responsibly – and earn Green Points.

Each month, the top three point-earning staff and students can win a £75 voucher (1st place), a £50 voucher (2nd place) and a £35 voucher (3rd place). There is a choice of IKEA, Sainsbury’s and TFL vouchers for winners - to name a few! Our prize winners are only chosen based on points earned each month, so no matter when you join, you'll have the same chance to win.

GREen Rewards also gives you the chance to win prizes for your team on a bigger scale. Each term, we’ll award a split of £1,200 to the top three performing teams to donate to their top-voted charity.

The GREen Rewards programme offers a great opportunity for you to get rewarded for making positive choices – whether that’s recycling, making eco-purchases or learning about employability. So, sign up now and we’ll award you 1,250 Green Points to start you off on your GREen Rewards journey.

Join online here, or download the app on iOS or Android.

More information

Current staff; Current students
