
Explore our expanded virtual libraries with more online resources now added


Our libraries give you access to over 1.5 million books, journals and eResources. Here we share our list of online journals, newspapers and reference tools to help you find the electronic resources you need.

We have a wealth of online resources for you to use

LibrarySearch is our one-stop-shop for print and electronic content. Almost all our online resources can be found there. If you explore these databases individually you will find that many offer search functionality and features in addition to the ones available from LibrarySearch.

Your faculty has dedicated resources specifically for your subject

Please note, access to the Financial Times has changed. Articles are available in full text (including citation, abstract and text) from 31st May 1996 to the present in ABI Inform Global, one of our databases. The content is text only, no images or graphs are included.

There may be some content which is restricted. In those cases, records will be visible, but not full text. There is a 30-day delay on the most recent articles being published in ABI Inform.

Streaming services for your studies, and more

It is worth highlighting that although these are great resources for your learning, teaching and research⁠⁠, many of the subscriptions we provide for you can also be used for your leisure.

Kanopy - a video streaming resource with coverage across a wide range of academic disciplines and content, including movies, documentaries and instructional videos.

Learning on Screen (formerly Box of Broadcasts) - BoB is like BBC iPlayer for further and higher education. There is a growing archive of over 1 million programmes from over 60 TV and radio free to air channels to choose from. You can watch, record, edit programmes into clips, create playlists and embed clips into Moodle as well as share what you are watching with other users of the service.

PressReader - is a newspaper and magazine resource that provides unlimited access to more than 7,000 of the world’s top newspapers and magazines. There are no limits on downloads. Features include international language translation, text-to-speech and Topic alerts. For off campus access select Library or Group from your device or from the app.

Subculture Archives - is an educational and cultural research resource of primary sources exploring 100 years of youth culture through the scenes, styles, and sounds that forged them. From Rave, Punk, Rockabilly to Grime.

Current staff; Current students