
Register your interest: Executive Support Network


The first session for the Executive Support Network is scheduled to take place on Thursday 23 March.

Exec support network image

Message from Lauren Bull, Rosie Rees and Karen Ward

We would like to invite you to an informal network for staff who perform an administrative function as part of their role. Job titles may vary from Executive Assistant/Officer, Personal Assistant, Office Manager or Administrator, amongst many others.

As support staff members, we perform vital roles in the university and can experience isolation within our local working areas. This networking group aims to remedy this by creating a shared environment to discuss opportunities, collaborate between different directorates and faculties and share experiences with like-minded colleagues. As well as this, to provide a friendly, social environment for colleagues across all campuses.

We hope the group will bring together the following:

  • Better connections between faculties and directorates - working together as a team.
  • A place to share ‘tips and tricks’, key information on systems and processes within the university.
  • For members of the network to share news and events from their departments.

If you would like to join, please register your interest by emailing the Executive Support Network. Please do share with colleagues you think may benefit from joining the group.

We are holding an introduction meeting on Thursday 23 March, 10am - 11:30am at Greenwich campus, room: 11_2016. Teas, coffees, and pastries will be provided.

Please contact Lauren Bull, Rosie Rees or Karen Ward for more information.

Current staff