As you prepare for exams and coursework submission, we are here for you with writing retreats, evening one-to-ones and new workshops. These sessions run from 24 March to 25 April.
A series of workshops to help you prepare
Find all our exam and assignment support sessions here and on, including:
Essay and assignment preparation
Writing retreats. Available on all sites and online, speak one to one with a tutor or librarian and work in a supportive environment.
Understanding marking criteria. Understand how your assignments are graded and match your work to those requirements to achieve the best grades.
What is critical thinking? Take part in discussion to help you get to grips with the concept of critical thinking to help you prepare for exams and assignments.
Structuring your argument. Learn to create an outline and build a coherent, effective argument using your research.
Preparing your work for submission
Proofreading and editing your own work. Learn how to improve your proofreading skills and identify ways to improve your work before submission.
Harvard referencing. Find out how to reference sources using the Harvard system and write ideas in your own words to avoid plagiarism. These sessions will introduce you to referencing and give you a chance to ask questions about referencing in your own work.
Exam preparation and support
Revision and exam techniques. This session will set your mind at ease about exams and covers best practice on revision and being there on the day.
Extenuating circumstances claim workshops. Circumstances outside of your control might stop you from being able to complete assessments or to do them to the best of your ability. The GSU Advice team will walk you through the extenuating circumstances claim process.
Evening appointments
We have extended evening one to one appointments, with more staff available to support you. You can book a one to one tutorial with an academic skills tutor or librarian who can provide support on assignments or preparing for exams.