A new experimental brewery is now open at the Medway campus.
Richard Anthony from the Faculty of Engineering & Science is overseeing the project. There are currently three technicians, two chemical engineers and a nutritionist involved. It is likely researchers from other areas of science will get involved as well, particularly from the university's food innovations group.
Richard says: "We're looking to be innovative, experimenting with combinations of recipes and brewing techniques in a fully sustainable fashion that perhaps haven't been considered yet by the brewing community.
"We'll be looking at things such as low oxygen brewing in the mashing and cooling phases to enhance and preserve flavours. And developing new strains of yeast with our microbiology specialists.
"We have the freedom to explore the intricacies of the yeast, with the technology to do it quickly.
"Flavour, body and texture are key characteristics of brewing. You can throw everything in the pot and through experience get the outcome you want. And there's a lot to be said for 'feel', but as scientists we want to be able to predict outcomes of novel techniques by accurate modelling."
The Jellicoe Brewery will initially brew batches of between 10 and 15 litres, using recipes from nearby Nelson Brewery.
"Initially we'll be looking to benchmark our brews against known successful commercial brews," Richard adds.
"The first brew will be from a Nelson IPA recipe and then we will be looking to create our own recipes across the entire gamut of styles from early next year."
Vice-Chancellor Professor Jane Harrington (pictured) adds: "The Jellico Brewery is a great example of the collaboration and innovation that this university is known for. I look forward to watching its progress and seeing the results of their work."
Pictured: Vice-Chancellor Professor Jane Harrington cuts the ribbon while Professor Martin Snowden, Dr Richard Anthony and Dr Stuart Ashenden, from the Faculty of Engineering & Science, talk hops in the background.