
Celebrating all of our heroes for keeping us and our campuses safe


As we return to campus, we want to take some time to thank those doing heroic work around us

As we resume university life on campus, you will notice a number of changes that have been made across the campuses. There are the physical ones: the one-way system, the hand sanitiser stations and the social distancing rules in place. But there is a lot more happening around the campuses that may not be so easy to spot.  

You can find details of all the changes we have made across our campuses, as well as clear guidelines, in our Covid-Safe Charter, on how we expect everyone to behave whilst on campus in order to keep each other safe.

At each campus we have teams of people who maintain the smooth running of the university. This includes those who make sure items are transported safely and securely from one place to another, to ensuring that all spaces are regularly cleaned, and they do their job with a smile on their face. 

We think they are heroes.  

Our heroes can be found all around us on campus. Later in the term, we will ask you to share your heroes with us so we can celebrate them and their hard work.  

We're proud of all our heroes 

We will share the pictures and stories of our heroes dotted around campus on our digital boards and articles will appear on our website that profile them and their efforts. These are the people that help keep out campuses Covid-Safe.  

You can do your bit and help our heroes by following our Covid-Safe Charter, and our Covid-Safe Arrangements, and remember to keep on an eye of our Being Covid-Safe pages to keep up-to-date with the information there.

Current students; Current staff