
Resits, Resubmissions and integrity


Resits and resubmissions are a common part of the student journey. There is nothing to be concerned about if you are asked to submit a piece of work again as long as you learn from your previous mistakes.

Support for your resits and resubmissions:


This summer, we will be delivering writing retreats for students with resits and resubmissions. Also find support for academic offences panels here.

Students who attend will receive support from a Librarian or Academic Skills Tutor on topics including:

  • Understanding and breaking down the question
  • Finding quality resources
  • Structuring your essay
  • Developing your idea
  • Writing an executive summary

The writing retreats will be running between 1 July and 15 August. Sessions will last for 2 hours and will take place in-person at all 3 libraries, as well as online.

There will also be extra one-to-one appointments available, including evenings.

Academic Offences:


Have you been invited to, or just attended an academic offences panel?

Our Academic Integrity workshops can help you identify your next steps.

Academic skills tutors, librarians and student mentors will be on hand to explain the process, share experiences and support you through the process. Join one of our weekly workshops to find out about academic integrity, including the use of AI, and strategies to avoid common mistakes. Here are some things we will cover:

  • What is an Academic Offences Panel?
  • Academic Offences and how to avoid these
  • Preparing to attend an Academic Offences Panel
  • Planning your next steps

Places are limited so please book your place now.

Current staff; Current students

Information and Library Services Directorate