A unique postgraduate degree
While I was completing my undergraduate studies in Arkansas, I learned a lot about the environment and how humans are changing it, and I knew then that I wanted to go into helping the environment for my career.
I graduated with my undergraduate degree in 2020, and with Covid on the horizon and not knowing what would happen around the world, I took two years off to work. Once lockdown restrictions eased, I investigated different universities – I always wanted to study abroad and experience a different culture. I found a programme that helped American students study in countries around the world, and the University of Greenwich was one of the universities on their list. I saw they had an MSc Global Environmental Change programme, and I knew it was perfect for me.
Many universities have an environmental science degree, which is very broad and doesn’t always go into detail about how the world is changing. However, in the MSc Global Environmental Change degree, you learn about how the climate is changing and how it’s affecting people, animals, agriculture, and infrastructures. I also really liked the fact that the Natural Resources Institute is part of the university so I can be a part of actual research the world.
Inclusivity and opportunity at Medway
I could tell that the university was very diverse and embraced different cultures and backgrounds – that was very important to me. I liked how the Medway Campus wasn’t too big and the fact that it was close to London.
I can get to know everyone in my classes and my lecturers as well. It’s easy to make friends. I have also enjoyed being a Student Ambassador, which I was encouraged to do the first week I was here. It helps students learn more about the university and its resources, and you can meet new people.
The best part about studying for my postgraduate degree here is the amount of independence I have over my studies. I get to choose the modules I want to take. For most of my assessments, I do my own research on any topic that I choose, as long as it follows the guidelines. I feel like I am learning what I want to learn. We will also be completing an independent research project on a topic of our choice.
Get a closer look at climate change
Global Environmental Change is a great subject to study because you learn about what is changing the environment. You get a closer look at climate change and how it’s affecting the whole planet. It’s a great subject if you are interested in how our planet is changing due to human activity. With this degree, you can go into environmental management, forestry, agriculture, research, climate consultancy and more.
I have always loved going out in nature. I grew up hiking and biking almost every weekend. I want future generations to be able to go outside and experience the same things that I have.