Having graduated this Summer, MSc Therapeutic Counselling student, Salwabil Miah, talks us through her time at Greenwich.
Why did you choose the University of Greenwich?
The University of Greenwich provides a British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) accredited course that promotes students to become BACP registered therapists after qualifying. I also admired that students were given two years to accrue 40 hours of personal therapy hours; something I had not seen being offered in other courses in the UK. I, therefore, felt as though the course was considerate and inclusive of those from lower socio-economic backgrounds, which appealed to me.
The University is also situated in London, allowing me easy access via public transport. I also found the campus itself to be structured so beautifully, making my arrivals at the university thoroughly enjoyable.
How was your experience? Did it meet your expectations? What did you enjoy about the course?
My experience of the course was extremely pleasant. As someone who is most alert during the afternoon and evening, the course felt perfect for my learning. I felt that the modules were clearly set out, along with their corresponding handbooks, which I often referred to throughout my time on the course. I was further pleased that there was enough time between each deadline to work on the assignments.
I felt I gained the most practical support through the use of my case discussion group. This was where I was given the opportunity to present and gather feedback on my client sessions, helping me to consider and reflect on aspects about myself and the therapeutic relationship that I was not otherwise aware of.
Can you tell me about your lectures and lecturers?
I liked that the lectures often felt like seminars as our lecturers valued our engagement and contributions towards the subject at hand. I found the lectures to be insightful, helping me to conceptualise theories relevant to my practice with clients. The lecturers were knowledgeable in the subjects being taught, providing us with extensive recommendations for reading that were beneficial to our personal and professional developments.
Did you enjoy your placements? What did you learn?
I enjoyed my placement as it gave me an insight and experience in Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services, and I was able to gather the skills appropriate for short-term therapy. The short-term nature of the sessions meant I met with a variety of different clients, ranging from low to high risk and across a wide range of ages. I was able to broaden my understanding of individuals with different presentations and mental health conditions.
How about your peers? Did you make friends?
I did make friends during my time on the course. In a way, I feel that the whole cohort became a giant friendship group as we all got along and showed a willingness to help one another. I developed a sense of trust with my peers, especially during the skills group sessions, where we'd each take on the role of a client, therapist, and observer. Whilst I felt most vulnerable being in role of the client, it helped that my peers were non-judgemental and trusting, so I felt safe around them.
What did you hope to gain from the course to help with your future?
Before enrolling on the course, I had very little understanding of reflexivity as reflexive thinking was fairly new to me. Having the opportunity to practise reflexivity across my assignments meant I was able to analyse myself in a deeper sense, acquiring new understandings about myself and the role I play in therapeutic relationships. I hope to maintain a reflexive narrative and take these learnings about myself forward into my future practice with clients.
Please tell us about your current job
I have recently been offered the role of a counselling caseworker at a university. My key responsibilities will include offering one-to-one short term therapy to students undergoing a variety of issues, including a mental health crisis. I will also be expected to hold psychoeducational workshops on behalf of the student well-being team.
Would you recommend the course?
Yes, and I already have recommended it to people I've spoken to!
For information about please visit our MSc in Therapeutic Counselling course.