
Compared to other universities, Greenwich is way up there!


Former MA in Social Work student, Lucy Jacobs, shares her story with us,

Lucy told us that she originally chose to study at Greenwich as she felt that the location for her chosen course at that time was most convenient for her to manage her work life balance as a mature student.

“It was a fast-paced experience.” Lucy told us “We started off with introductions, but the speed soon picked up. I wasn’t too sure what to expect as I had completed my first degree a hundred years ago and education was much different in the dark ages!” she joked. “However, I very quickly gained confidence and fitted in very quickly, there were other mature students in the class, being a postgraduate level course.”

Lucy says that she enjoyed the structure of the timetable and that it was set out very clearly. “The library service was very good, it afforded us access to endless journal databases which was crucial for our research/dissertation.” Lucy explained “I took this for granted as the norm for higher institutions until I left Greenwich and then realised that not all university libraries have that level of access to journal databases. Greenwich is way up there!”

Lucy also praised access to wellbeing services as being quick and effective.

When we asked Lucy about her lecturers, she confided that they were very supportive and helpful. “I have continued liaising with them and kept up a good relationship with them and the university. I get invited back to do talks and workshops with current students. I feel very honoured.” One of Lucy’s lecturers has also agreed to supervise her in her application for a Doctoral Fellowship programme.

When we asked Lucy about the placements that she undertook during her course, she explained that they prepared her for the role of a fully qualified social worker. “I currently work for the same local authority where I completed my final year placement, so I am immensely grateful for that!” Lucy told us.

Lucy also told us that she made friends for life with some of her classmates. “In this modern day of social media, it is much easier to keep in contact.” Lucy revealed. “What was most amazing was finding out (well after graduating) that one of my coursemates is a relative of mine! Imagine that? Thousands of airmiles away from one’s country of origin, you find that you attended a course with a cousin!”

Now a Senior Care Manager/Social Worker in adult social care in a London borough, Lucy explained her role to us. “I work in Adult Services, undertaking statutory assessments of needs, care planning, assessing mental capacity, undertaking safeguarding enquiries, attending multi-disciplinary meetings and much more.”

Finally, we asked Lucy if she would recommend the MA in Social Work course. “Yes, I would recommend social work, but would add that social work is more of a ‘calling’ than a ‘career’.” Lucy advised.

We thank Lucy for sharing her Greenwich journey with us and wish her the best for the future!

Social work degrees

Strength and compassion are only part of what it takes to excel as a social worker. Study with us and you’ll gain knowledge, skills and experience to improve people’s lives and succeed in a field that has excellent job opportunities.

Applicants; General public; Prospective students

Faculty of Education, Health and Human Sciences