
Within Touching Distance


Lead: Professor Jorge Lopes Ramos

Duration: 1 March 2024 - 28 February 2025

Funder: AHRC

Total Value: 49,996

Project Overview

This project brings together artistic and technological innovation to explore how arts-based therapeutic content combined with XR technologies can provide positive mental health outcomes for patients and ensure effective training outcomes for nurses and carers.  The project is patient-centred, focussing on solutions that could be applied, trialled and adopted at scale, to provide broad economic benefit to the UK mental health sector, such as 'affective touch' training and empathy skills for nurses.

The research has already resulted in prototype arts-based experiences exploring possibilities, and upcoming research aims to generate solutions to: Providing affective touch training and skills for nurses and carers; Reducing the economic burden of mental health on the healthcare system; Developing cross-industry collaborations with a unique combination of arts-led innovation, interactive technology and mental health care; Exploring the potential of haptic touch in mental health care.


General public; Research community

Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences