
The Record Store and Black Music: A UK History


Lead:  Dr Amit Patel and Dr Brona Martin (Commissioned Research)

Duration: 1 July 2023 - 31 December 2024

Funder: 2Funky Arts - The National Lotter Heritage Fund

Total Value: £247,494

Project Overview

The University of Greenwich are supporting 2Funky Arts in documenting the role of independent record stores of black origin as cultural hubs, focusing on black, African and Caribbean experiences from the 1950s to the present day. The early independent record store played a pivotal role in providing a space for the Windrush generation to shape society's relationship with black music. Recognising the significance of this cultural phenomenon, this project aims to shed light on previously undocumented histories, focusing on music as a powerful means to express cultural identity and resistance.

‘The Record Store & Black Music, A UK History’ will link in with Black History Month 2024 and will result in a documentary, book, website, podcast series and education pack with screenings of the documentary planned in major cities including a premiere at University of Greenwich (London).

More information:

General public; Media; Research community

Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences