
Study your passion. Shape your future: Gemma


Gemma: Law student and aspiring barrister

In 2021, we spoke to Greenwich LLB (Hons) Law student Gemma about why she’d chosen to study law and what her ambitions were.

Unafraid to stand up for others

Gemma’s passion for tackling injustice and her strong conviction to act on behalf of others facing injustice comes across clearly when we speak to her and this outlook has been shaped, in part, by her journey in foster care. Gemma expresses her journey from care to where she is now as an illustration of exactly how you can turn any adversity into an advantage so long as you have the drive and determination to do so.

Gemma also went onto acknowledge that it may, to some, seem a little clichéd (but we disagree), but the film Legally Blond – featuring “a woman unafraid to stand out from the crowd or speak her mind regardless of people’s perceptions” - as an important driving force behind her chosen career path.

Gemma also is quick to acknowledge the importance of not judging a book by its cover and the need “to allow each and every individual the opportunity to be who they are, setting aside prejudices and perceptions.” At Greenwich, Gemma considers she has found an environment in sync with her views - “it’s a place where you feel included, no matter where you’ve come from, no matter who you are”.

“An aspiring barrister, determined to achieve my dreams...”

Well aware that her goal requires hard work and dedication, Gemma’s ambition is to practise at the Bar and she hopes, one day, to head her own chambers. Recognising the importance of getting experience and building connections - key for those considering entering the legal profession - Gemma secured herself an internship for the 2021 summer holidays.

She knows that in determining her future her “behaviour and attitude... as well as the belief in myself and my ability” are crucial. It is also clear from listening to Gemma that she is forward- looking and determined - her focus and drive are to be admired and we look forward to following her career after she graduates.

Find out more about the University's Law Courses here.

Law degrees

LLB students can take advantage of employability events and mentoring programmes with law firms and criminal justice organisations and students can also investigate potential miscarriages of justice with the Innocence Project London

Current staff; Current students


Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences