
Co-creating asset and place-based approaches to tackling refugee and migrant health exclusion


Lead: Professor Elena Vacchelli (Partner on collaborative project)

Duration: 1 February 2024 - 31 July 2025

Funder: UK Research and Innovation

Total Value: £2.4 million

Project Overview

Refugees, asylum seekers and migrants can experience poor health caused by a variety of factors such as language barriers, employment, education and poverty. This project will explore how community assets can be used to improve health, wellbeing and social support that addresses these factors. Examples of community assets include advice and information services, community hubs and groups, religious organisations and open spaces.

It will research new ways for these factors to be addressed within integrated health systems that bring together services such as the NHS and local authorities as well as the voluntary sector.


General public; Media; Research community

Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences