
Better Together: Digital and Smart Design Solutions for City Participatory Design


Lead: Dr Silvio Carta

Duration: 15 March 2024 - 31 December 2024

Funder: British Academy

Total Value: £9,985

Project Overview

This project will develop an analytical and predicative digital tool to model complex urban contexts focusing on the neighbourhoods and districts level. Through simulation and scenario modelling, the model will help residents and urban communities to actively participate in designing and planning activities through visualisation, analysis and engagement with data that is directly relevant to urban areas such as: energy use and (re)generation; users health and wellbeing; impact of AI-driven energy distribution; provision for active and electric mobility; sustainable delivery solutions; life-cycle environmental  and micro-climatic impacts; socio-economic impacts for citizens, building users, owners and occupiers.

British Academy

General public; Research community

Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences