
Discover upcoming alumni events as well as public events from around the university.

Events are an important way to feel connected to the University of Greenwich community. We are proud to offer our alumni and friends a wide variety of events both online and in-person.

We send event invitations directly to alumni who are signed up to receive email communications. Update your details so we can let you know about relevant events.

Are you visiting the campus?

We're delighted to hear when our alumni come back to visit the campus. You can find links to maps and other useful campus travel information here.

If you're coming to the Greenwich campus, you can:

Make sure you also tag us in any photos from your visit on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter (@greenwichalumni) using #GreGrads.

Alumni reunion for graduates pre-2000

We will be organising an alumni reunion on Saturday 10 May 2025 for alumni who studied at Woolwich Polytechnic, Thames Polytechnics and the University of Greenwich and graduated before 2000. Due to the sizeable numbers of our alumni community this reunion will be specifically for those cohorts. If you graduated after 2000, please ensure your details are current so that you hear about future reunions.

Your input and advice would be invaluable in helping us to shape this reunion around the interests of alumni. If you are interested in getting involved, whether that is to help us spread the word, take part as a panel member or share your ideas, we would be happy to set up a meeting to discuss. Please email

Below are upcoming events, including public lectures, workshops and conferences, as well as a range of events dedicated to our alumni and supporters.