Health & Safety

Consultation with employees and students

Responsibilities and arrangements expected for the health and safety management of consultation with employees and students.

Code of Practice

Each Faculty/Directorate/Unit has a forum for discussion of health and safety matters.  This should be a health and safety consultative group reporting to the Faculty/Directorate/Unit Management Committee.  For small groups, it may instead be appropriate for health and safety to be a standing item on the Faculty/Directorate/Unit Management Committee.

These Committees/Groups are made up of the Faculty Operating Officer/Director of Professional Services or their appointed nominee, the Health and Safety Local Officer, other named responsible persons and representatives of staff, and students where appropriate, and meet at least three times per year.

Reports from these Committees/Groups are sent to the Faculty/Directorate Management Committee.

These Committees/Groups are involved in the annual review of the Faculty/Directorate Safety Statement.



HSE advice – Consulting and involving workers
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HSE guidance leaflet - Consulting employees on health and safety – a brief guide to the law
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The content of this section is reviewed annually, last reviewed 2022