The below linked codes of practice and guidance documents set out the arrangements in place to achieve the objectives described in our health and safety policy.
- Accident/Incident Reporting and Investigation
- Asbestos
- Auditing
- Biological Safety
- Children (including young persons)
- Consultation with employees and students
- Consultation with Trades Unions
- Contractors working on University premises - appointment and control
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
- Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
- Electrical Safety
- Events Management
- Fire
- First Aid at Work
- Genetically Modified Materials
- Hazardous Waste
- Health (personal health and public health)
- Hot Work
- Inductions (see Training and Information)
- Laser Safety
- Legionella
- Lone Working
- Manual Handling
- New & Expectant Mothers at Work
- Noise - Control at Work
- Off-Campus Activities (including Fieldwork and Overseas Travel)
- Personal Protective Equipment at Work
- Placement of Students
- Radiation (Ionising and non-ionising)
- Risk Management & Assessments
- Smoking
- Stress
- Sun Protection
- Temperature
- Training and Information (including induction)
- Unattended Running of Apparatus & High Impact Processes
- Work at Height
- Workplace Inspections