This is information about current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities.
5.1 Policies and procedures for conducting university business
This is information such as codes of practice, memoranda of understanding, procedural rules, standing orders, procedures for handling requests for information.
5.2 Procedures and policies relating to academic services
This is information covering such matters as honorary degrees, procedures for changing course, regulations and policy on student assessment, appeal procedures and policy on breach of assessment regulations.
5.3 Procedures and policies relating to student services
This is information including policies relating to student admission and registration, accommodation, management of the student records system, the assessment of external qualifications, internal student complaints and appeals, student support services and code of student discipline.
5.4 Procedures and policies relating to human resources / pay policy statement
This includes human resources policies and procedures such as generic terms and conditions of employment, collective bargaining and consultation with trade unions, grievance, disciplinary, harassment and bullying, public interest disclosure, staff development such as induction, probation, appraisal, promotions.
5.5 Procedures and policies relating to recruitment
This includes details of current vacancies.
5.6 Policies, statements, procedures and guidelines relating to equal opportunities
Code of conduct for members of governing bodies / equality and diversity policies; equality scheme. This includes policies, statements, procedures and guidelines relating to equal opportunities.
5.7 Health and safety / estate management
This includes disposals policy, estates strategy and plan, facilities management policies, grounds and building maintenance.
5.8 Complaints policy
This includes those covering requests for information and operating the publication scheme.
5.9 Records management and personal data policies / fileplans
This includes information security policies, records retention, destruction and archive policies, and data protection (including data sharing) policies.
5.10 Research policy and strategy
This includes quality assurance procedures, policy and procedures relating to intellectual property, ethics committee terms of reference, applications and their approval, and any other relevant codes of practice. This will include policy, strategy and procedures relating to knowledge transfer and enterprise.
5.11 Publicly funded research outputs and data
This includes information on publicly funded research.
Description | How to find it
For information about research at the university look at the web pages. For further information contact the Compliance unit | Research web pages Contact Compliance unit at |
5.12 Charging regimes and policies
Details of any statutory charging regimes, charging policies including charges made for information routinely published.