About the university

FOI Publication Scheme

The publication scheme tells you how to request information, or how to find it using a link to the relevant area.

We use the Model Publication Scheme for Universities, prepared and approved by the Information Commissioner. It is set out as a list of the kinds of information we will make available, unless:

  • we do not hold the information
  • it is exempt under one of the FOI exemptions or EIR exceptions
  • it is inaccessible (for instance in databases)
  • it would be impractical or take too much time to prepare the material for routine release.

The publication scheme also tells you how to request the information, or find it using a link to the relevant area.

Almost all publications listed are copyright of the University of Greenwich. You may be infringing our copyright if you reproduce material supplied through the publication scheme, or in response to a request for information, without permission.

If any of the links don't work, you have a comment or complaint about the publication scheme, or you require further information, please contact compliance@gre.ac.uk.

Classes of information

  • 1. Who we are and what we do

    This section covers organisational information, structures, locations and contacts.

    1.1 Legal framework

    This is information relating to the legal and corporate status of the institution.


    How to find it

    Information about the university's governance and management

    Governance and management web pages

    The university's Articles of Government

    Articles of Government web pages

    Legal information about the university

    Legal information web page

    Significant dates in the university's history

    History of the University web page

    Terms and conditions of the website

    Terms and conditions web page

    1.2 How the institution is organised

    This is information about the management structure of the university, including a description of the Statutory Bodies and the organisational structure together with a description of the work of each unit and the names and responsibilities of key personnel.


    How to find it

    Information about the University Governing Body (formerly Court) University Governing Body web pages
    Membership of the Governing Body Membership of the Governing Body web pages
    Information about Academic Council, including terms of reference, information about membership, and its committees Academic Council web pages

    Management structure of the university

    Senior staff of the university web pages

    Information about the Vice-Chancellor's Office The Vice-Chancellor's Office web pages
    Faculties of the university

    The university's faculties web pages

    Information & Library Services (ILS) structure and management, including ICT

    IT and Library Services web pages

    1.3 Location and contact details

    This is information about contact phone numbers and email addresses.


    How to find it

    Where are we? Information about our campuses, including their addresses and travel information about how to get there

    Travel and transport web pages

    Which department do you need? Browse key contact details

    Contact web pages

    Want to contact a particular Faculty? Look at the relevant web pages

    The University's Faculties web pages

    1.4 Organisations

    This is information relating to organisations which the university has responsibility for, those it works in partnership with, those it sponsors and companies wholly or partially owned by it.


    How to find it

    Who are the university's educational partners?

    Partner Institutions web pages

    Businesses and organisations may contact the Greenwich Research & Enterprise office

    Information for business web pages

    For information about wholly or partially owned companies, please contact the Compliance Unit

    E-mail: compliance@gre.ac.uk

    1.5 Student activities

    This is information relating to the operation and activities of the Students' Union and other clubs, associations and non-academic activities that are organised for or by the students.


    How to find it

    Information about the University of Greenwich Students' Union

    Information about the Greenwich and Kent Students' Unions

    Greenwich Students' Union website

    GK Unions website

    Information about events held at the university, such as exhibitions, concerts, talks

    Public events and lectures web pages

    Information about sports and recreation

    Sports web pages