
Big Picture Seminar - Muhammed A Muhammed

26th Jan 2022 5pm - 6pm



Muhammed A Muhammed - The Effects of Climate Change on Agricultural Output in Africa

Learn about Muhammed:Muhammed A Muhammed

Muhammed A. Muhammed is a passionate young social entrepreneur and a pro-environmentalist. He holds Masters in development studies and a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Business information technology, from University of Greenwich London. His research revealed to him the magnanimous negative impacts to deforestation continue to pose threat on the local environment including desertification, windstorm and climate change in general.

He started A Tree in Paradise, a social enterprise whose mission is to plant trees that will support and benefit local communities in Nigeria, as well as contribute to global efforts in mitigating the harmful effects of climate change. Muhammed A. Muhammed is a Leap Africa social innovator program fellow, a climate reality leadership fellow. He has attended several conferences and won numerous award on climate change, environment and on good governance.

About the lecture:

Africa is still practicing rain fed agriculture which renders her vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. Extreme climatic events such as flooding, extreme heat, and drought has led to soil degradation which results in low crop yields. Muhammeds talk will explore these effects on the agricultural output in Africa.

Join us on the 26th January 2022 @ 5pm!